
September 29, 2023

Just for fun: We asked our editors about their next home purchase

Q: What’s the next thing you are planning to buy for your personal home?

September 24, 2023

Listening to a 20-something on furniture, housing and more | Jerry Epperson

I am proud of my 20-year-old granddaughter ... and we had a long conversation this weekend about her plans for graduate school and life ... and her furniture feelings.

woman shopping for furniture and home decor
September 23, 2023

Who is minding your store? | Sheila Long O’Mara

I have a question for mattress retailers. Who is minding your bedding floor’s merchandising strategy?

September 23, 2023

Are Barbie, Beyonce and Taylor Swift killing the furniture business? | Bill McLoughlin

There’s been ample evidence over the past two years that consumers have been reallocating discretionary spending away from their homes and toward ...

September 22, 2023

Furniture retail sales expected to rebound in Q2 2024 | Ben Haverty

While sales will continue to stall into the first half of next year, industry experts are anticipating a transformational shift ...

September 16, 2023

Let’s see how this third round of antidumping petitions plays out | Sheila Long O’Mara

The bedding category is now in its third round of antidumping actions following a July filing with the U.S. International Trade Commission and the Department of Commerce.

September 16, 2023

Time for a reset? Increasingly complex challenges put premium on change management | Bill McLoughlin

Hopeful. It has replaced “cautiously optimistic” as the description of choice for business leaders trying to describe their assessment of what remains of 2023 and beyond. The recession that was predicted for the first half of the year has so far failed to materialize. However, after disappearing from news analyses and pundit predictions over the […]

clouds- obit
September 10, 2023

What song captures your summer’s business? | Mike Root

Now that Labor Day is officially over, we can all collectively look forward to getting back to work. I wonder where the summer went, ...